
Filmtheater am Hauptbahnhof in Dresden/Germany

The photo was made by Tom Bäcker, he called it "Metropolis adieu". Unfortunately he didn't tell us the name of the old Filmtheater. But this is no problem, because I know the building. It was the little cinema next to the main station in Dresden. 
The building is a part of the main station and was originally the entrance for the Royal family to the station (so called Königspavillon). After 1918 it was a ticket office. From 1950 to 2000 it has been used as a cinema. It is said it was a classical news theatre in its first years, where you could spend your waiting time watching the latest news. 
I remember it as a normal cinema. Its speciality was the unique GDR (East German) atmosphere until the end in 2000 - still 10 years after the end of the GDR. It was like a museum inside with 100 % GDR atmosphere.
Now the building is renovated and only a normal entrance: no king, no cinema, no Dave ...

Just found an interesting postcard. 

It is from the last days of this cinema in 2000, a protest postcard against closing addressed to the owner Deutsche Bahn / German Railways. "Von der Bahn überrollt! - Overrun by the railway!"

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