
Panonija in Duboka / Croatia


cinema Pannonija in Duboka postcard
I wrote in my last post that the word "bioskop" is used in Croatia for "cinema" because of the Bioscop invented by brothers Skladanowsky.

Just found a postcard showing "bioskop Panonija" in Duboka. The postcard is published in former Yugoslavia, maybe between 1970 and 1980, when the cinema was newly built.

The place seems to be the village Duboka / Vojvodina in the Pannonian Basin in Croatia. But I couldn't find any fact about this cinema.


Wintergarten in Berlin / Germany


Wintergarten Berlin postcard 2012
The Wintergarten in Berlin has never been a cinema - but plays an important role in the history of cinema. Here were showed moving pictures to a paying audience on 1 November 1895. This was shortly before the public debut of the Lumière Brothers' Cinématographe in Paris on 28 December 1895. 

The short films were shown by Max and Emil Skladanowsky with their invented Bioscop (or Bioskop) - an early movie projector. But the technology and quality of Skladanowsky's devices and the demonstrations weren't so good as other inventors already practicing at the same time. The Bioscop needed two film strips, which meant a considerable additional technical effort compared to the usual principle with only one film strip, such as that successfully used by the Lumiéres.

The brothers Skladanowsky traveled through Europe with their invention in 1896 and 1897. The word from their projector become the term for the word cinema in Serbia (Bioskop), the Netherlands (Bioscoop) and the former Dutch colony Indonesia (Bioskop).

The Wintergarten itself was originally a large winter garden in the 1881 opened Central-Hotel in the center of Berlin. Since 1887, this place became the number one address for variety shows in Berlin and Germany. The building was destroyed in World War II. 

In 1992, a theatre in Potsdamer Strasse - not far away from the old place - was opened with the name Wintergarten. As written on the homepage, they want to continue the tradition of the old Wintergarten variety. The postcard shows the new Wintergarten advertising the Rock variety show Forever Young in 2012.

I got this postcard via Postcrossing from Tiny. Danke, Tiny.

Ciné-théatre de la Ponatiere in Échirolles / France

 Échirolles is a city near Grenoble, Ponatiere is a district of Échirolles.

The cinema opened in 1941, but it has never been a place exclusively dedicated to film screenings. It is more of a party hall in which spectators came to attend various shows. Screenings were to be more frequent in the 1940s and 1950s, when television was not yet widespread in all homes.

Now there is a big multiplex in Échirolles with 12 screens and the writing on the building has disappeared. It seems to be only a stage now.


Capitol in Rostock / Germany

cinema Capitol Rostock postcard 1964

Rostock on the Baltic Sea is the most populated city in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
The cinema Capitol opened its doors on 29 August 1938 - and they are still open.
There were 1030 seats in one hall in 1938, now there are 1089 seats in four halls.

The cinema advertises the movie Verwirrungen um Topsy - a 1956 West German movie, originally named Der schräge Otto, directed by Géza von Cziffra. The movie came to East German cinemas on 5 July 1963.
It has not been customary to change the film title of a West German film for East German screens. I think that has to do with the fact that Otto Grotewohl (1894-1964) was Prime Minister of the GDR at that time.